Your Data, Your Power: Decentralized Contribution & Ownership
The vast volume of medical research data grows daily. To truly harness this potential, we rely on advanced AI that translates this data into tangible insights and solutions.
Join the Rejuve Network: where individuals, health professionals, clinics, and various organizations share medical, lifestyle, and biological data through our platform. This isn't just data sharing; it's a pathway to the Rejuve Data Commons — a protected platform that empowers you with both understanding and control over your information. And what's more? For your invaluable contributions, you're rewarded with Rejuve (RJV) tokens.
Our sister company, Rejuve Biotech, taps into this collective data. Their mission? To pioneer experimental therapies and bring them to the commercial forefront.
AI Tools
At the heart of Rejuve.AI's innovative approach to longevity and wellness lies a suite of cutting-edge artificial intelligence models. These models are intricately designed to harness vast amounts of medical and biological data, transforming it into actionable insights and effective therapies. Our collaboration with SingularityNET not only amplifies our AI capabilities but also integrates their renowned frameworks into our solutions.
By leveraging SingularityNET's open AI platform and tools, Rejuve.AI is positioned at the forefront of decentralized health research, ensuring that the power of AI is channeled to make longevity accessible for everyone.
Bayesian Network
The Bayesian Network stands at the intersection of probability and graph theory. It's a powerful statistical tool that enables us to model complex relationships in data and infer potential outcomes. By using a directed acyclic graph, the Bayesian Network captures and represents dependencies among variables.
This network is not just about understanding data but predicting it. In the realm of Rejuve.AI, it plays a pivotal role in deciphering intricate biological pathways and potential health outcomes, paving the way for more informed and personalized health strategies.
Generative Cooperative Network (GCN)
The Generative Cooperative Network (GCN) is a groundbreaking approach that blends the capabilities of generative and cooperative models. While generative models are known for their ability to create new data samples, cooperative models excel in modifying existing data. By merging these strengths, GCN facilitates the creation of more accurate and diverse datasets.
Within Rejuve.AI, the GCN harnesses this synergy to simulate potential biological scenarios, thereby assisting in the development of innovative health solutions and therapies.
Variational Autoencoder/Transformer
In our continuous pursuit to refine and enhance our AI-driven longevity research, modelers at Rejuve.AI are equipped with an advanced generative neural network option. This network, known as the Transformer Variational Autoencoder, is meticulously engineered to forecast pivotal health states directly linked to lifespan. One of its core applications is embedded within the longevity app's age calculator, ensuring precise and valuable insights for our users.
By harnessing the combined strength of Variational Autoencoders and Transformers, we are pioneering a new era of predictive health modeling, bringing us one step closer to our mission of making longevity accessible to all.
Harnessing the power of advanced language processing, 'LongevityGPT' delves deep into the intricacies of an individual's life — from dietary habits and allergies to work dynamics and environmental contexts. By analyzing expansive biomedical datasets, utilizing knowledge graphs, and leveraging the Hyperon atomspace, our AI model offers profound and tailored insights into one's journey to longevity.
OpenCog Hyperon AGI Engine
Venturing into the realm of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is SingularityNet’s OpenCog's Hyperon AGI Engine, a trailblazing open-source platform meticulously designed to revolutionize AGI development. OpenCog masterfully amalgamates a spectrum of avant-garde AI techniques.​
Central to OpenCog's functionality is the 'Bio-Atomspace', an innovative hypergraph knowledge store. It's more than just a database; it's a nexus that seamlessly integrates a plethora of biological knowledge, amalgamating data from various databases, ontologies, and datasets. This harmonious blend of state-of-the-art techniques ensures OpenCog remains at the forefront of AGI innovation, ready to tackle the complex challenges of tomorrow.